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Scoil Náisiúnta Gearrán Leathan

Granlahan National School

Welcome to Our
Junior Class Blog
There is always a lot happening in our Junior Room. We would love if you could check this page regularly to find out all the latest on what we are getting up to! We promise you won't be disappointed!!!!

Junior Room 2024/ 2025
Presenting our Junior Room for this school year, 2024/ 2025. A big welcome to our new Junior Infants who have started with us here in...

School Tour
This year we went to Wildlands and the Aquarium for our tour. We had a blast zipping through the trees and dissecting squid. We ended our...

An Exciting Break
There was great excitement on yard this week when the children discovered a lizard on the yard. They decided to call it "Lizzy the...

First Holy Communion
Congratulations to our Second Class students who received the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Saturday the 6th of May.

Our Wildflower Garden
A big thank you to Conor & Noah's Granny Tess who kindly gave us some wildflower seeds to sow. 1st class have been reading about the...

Handwriting Competition
Well done to all the students who took part in our handwriting competition & congratulations to the winners. A nice prize to celebrate...

Science Show & Tell
Our Senior Room organised a Science Show & Tell for the Junior Room as part of their application for the Curious Minds Award. They chose...

A Sense of Spring
After some snow and many, many days of rain, we finally had a dry day to go searching for signs of Spring!

First Confessions, 9th March 2023
Congratulations to our Second Class pupils who received the Sacrament of Penance today.

Buddy Reading
As it was enjoyed so much by everyone last year, we kicked off World Book Day celebrations this year with Buddy Reading. Each student...

World Book Day 2023
To celebrate World Book Day this year the children chose their favourite character and recreated them using wooden spoons. Can you...

Project Presentations
1st & 2nd Class worked together in small groups to research, design and present a project on an animal living in the Antarctica or the...

Lá na bPancóga
Is breá linn pancóga!!

Back with a Bang!
We recycled toilet roll holders to print a New Years Eve firework display. We even wrote some goals we would like to achieve this year....

Christmas Crafts
The Junior Room were busy making Santa faces & decided he might need some new Elf recruits to prepare for Christmas Eve!

V.I.P ~ Very Important Post
Our special Granlahan NS Postbox is open again this year for Christmas 2022. There's great excitement posting those very important...

Junior Jazzy Jumpers!!
We loved designing and making our jumpers for Ryan for the Toy Show. We hope he picks one of ours to wear!!!

Heritage Ireland Visit
Heritage Ireland visited our classroom to teach us about some Myths & Legends from the past, as well as Biodiversity in our school...

Cool Christmas Cards
We designed our very own Christmas cards, then sent them to the printers and we got back our personalised cards in the post. They all...

Christmas Shoebox Appeal
This year we supported the Annual Christmas Shoebox Appeal and donated over twenty boxes.

Maths Stations
We loved having Maths stations every Thursday for the month of October. An engaging & enjoyable way to learn our Maths!

National Tree Day 2022
We celebrated National Tree Day by going on a leaf hunt in our school yard. We learned about native Irish trees and began to recognise...

Musical Instruments from Ancient Ireland
We all had great fun learning about musical instruments from the past such as the bone whistle, cow horn, bells and pipes.

Roald Dahl Day
On the 13th of September we celebrated Roald Dahl Day. We learned all about his life and why he is one of our favourite authors. We...

Junior Room 2022/23
Our Junior Room for 2022/ 23 school year!

Let's Go School Tour
On Tuesday the 17th of May, all classes travelled to the Centre of Excellence in Bekan for a 'Let's Go!' school tour. Great fun was had...

Hurling for Hope
On Friday the 25th of March we had a jersey day to support the Hurling for Hope fundraiser for Irish Motor Neurone Disease and Mayo...

Exploring our Surroundings
On the 1st of March Michael Bell, a nature specialist came to our school. Michael shared with us his collection of finds from seashore...

Tennis with Janis
Every Monday for the last eight weeks our pupils have been taking part in tennis lessons with Janis from Claremorris Tennis Club. It has...

World Book Day 2022
On Thursday the 3rd of March we celebrated World Book Day. Everyone brought in their favourite book to share with their classmates. The...

An Bosca Leabharlainne
We are delighted to have been chosen to receive An Bosca Leabharlainne, a box of original Irish language books specially chosen by...

St. Brigid's Day
We were all extremely busy celebrating St. Brigid's Day. All pupils got a chance to make St. Brigid crosses. The Junior room are pictured...

Snail Trail Art
The Juniors modern art inspired by Matisse.

Our Juniors and Seniors Love Line Dancing
Line dancing is great exercise and demands great concentration in order to get the moves right. Both our juniors and our seniors love it!

Get Those Letters to Santa!
It's time to get those letters written to Santa. We have our very own postbox in Granlahan NS - it's just brilliant and makes it possible...

Relaxing Yoga!
Welcome to our relaxing yoga mornings in our Junior Room.

Toy Show Magic
Our pupils were working hard to come up with a good design for a jumper for Ryan. In end there were Ryans everywhere.!

Our Christmas Card Packs Have Just Arrived!
Our Christmas Card packs have just arrived and we are sooooo excited! All our pupils have worked so hard to get the designs just right...

It's Not Easy Keep Between The Lines!
It sure is hard keeping between the lines, but you will have to agree that these samples from the Junior Class are really super! Well...

Autumn Leaves are Falling Down!
It's that lovely time of the year when the leaves on the trees turn all those wonderful colours, every shade of yellow, brown and gold....

The Eyes Have It!
Everywhere you go in our school the eyes seem to follow you around....great work by our junior class. These are just a small sample of...

I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts!
You might be a little more scared when you see the Hallowe'en displays around our isn't safe to even pass through the...
There is always a lot happening in our Junior Room. We would love if you could check this page regularly to find out all the latest on what we are getting up to! We promise you won't be disappointed!!!!

Junior Room 2024/ 2025
Presenting our Junior Room for this school year, 2024/ 2025. A big welcome to our new Junior Infants who have started with us here in...

School Tour
This year we went to Wildlands and the Aquarium for our tour. We had a blast zipping through the trees and dissecting squid. We ended our...

An Exciting Break
There was great excitement on yard this week when the children discovered a lizard on the yard. They decided to call it "Lizzy the...

First Holy Communion
Congratulations to our Second Class students who received the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Saturday the 6th of May.

Our Wildflower Garden
A big thank you to Conor & Noah's Granny Tess who kindly gave us some wildflower seeds to sow. 1st class have been reading about the...

Handwriting Competition
Well done to all the students who took part in our handwriting competition & congratulations to the winners. A nice prize to celebrate...

Science Show & Tell
Our Senior Room organised a Science Show & Tell for the Junior Room as part of their application for the Curious Minds Award. They chose...

A Sense of Spring
After some snow and many, many days of rain, we finally had a dry day to go searching for signs of Spring!

First Confessions, 9th March 2023
Congratulations to our Second Class pupils who received the Sacrament of Penance today.

Buddy Reading
As it was enjoyed so much by everyone last year, we kicked off World Book Day celebrations this year with Buddy Reading. Each student...

World Book Day 2023
To celebrate World Book Day this year the children chose their favourite character and recreated them using wooden spoons. Can you...

Project Presentations
1st & 2nd Class worked together in small groups to research, design and present a project on an animal living in the Antarctica or the...

Lá na bPancóga
Is breá linn pancóga!!

Back with a Bang!
We recycled toilet roll holders to print a New Years Eve firework display. We even wrote some goals we would like to achieve this year....

Christmas Crafts
The Junior Room were busy making Santa faces & decided he might need some new Elf recruits to prepare for Christmas Eve!

V.I.P ~ Very Important Post
Our special Granlahan NS Postbox is open again this year for Christmas 2022. There's great excitement posting those very important...

Junior Jazzy Jumpers!!
We loved designing and making our jumpers for Ryan for the Toy Show. We hope he picks one of ours to wear!!!

Heritage Ireland Visit
Heritage Ireland visited our classroom to teach us about some Myths & Legends from the past, as well as Biodiversity in our school...

Cool Christmas Cards
We designed our very own Christmas cards, then sent them to the printers and we got back our personalised cards in the post. They all...

Christmas Shoebox Appeal
This year we supported the Annual Christmas Shoebox Appeal and donated over twenty boxes.

Maths Stations
We loved having Maths stations every Thursday for the month of October. An engaging & enjoyable way to learn our Maths!

National Tree Day 2022
We celebrated National Tree Day by going on a leaf hunt in our school yard. We learned about native Irish trees and began to recognise...

Musical Instruments from Ancient Ireland
We all had great fun learning about musical instruments from the past such as the bone whistle, cow horn, bells and pipes.

Roald Dahl Day
On the 13th of September we celebrated Roald Dahl Day. We learned all about his life and why he is one of our favourite authors. We...

Junior Room 2022/23
Our Junior Room for 2022/ 23 school year!

Let's Go School Tour
On Tuesday the 17th of May, all classes travelled to the Centre of Excellence in Bekan for a 'Let's Go!' school tour. Great fun was had...

Hurling for Hope
On Friday the 25th of March we had a jersey day to support the Hurling for Hope fundraiser for Irish Motor Neurone Disease and Mayo...

Exploring our Surroundings
On the 1st of March Michael Bell, a nature specialist came to our school. Michael shared with us his collection of finds from seashore...

Tennis with Janis
Every Monday for the last eight weeks our pupils have been taking part in tennis lessons with Janis from Claremorris Tennis Club. It has...

World Book Day 2022
On Thursday the 3rd of March we celebrated World Book Day. Everyone brought in their favourite book to share with their classmates. The...

An Bosca Leabharlainne
We are delighted to have been chosen to receive An Bosca Leabharlainne, a box of original Irish language books specially chosen by...

St. Brigid's Day
We were all extremely busy celebrating St. Brigid's Day. All pupils got a chance to make St. Brigid crosses. The Junior room are pictured...

Snail Trail Art
The Juniors modern art inspired by Matisse.

Our Juniors and Seniors Love Line Dancing
Line dancing is great exercise and demands great concentration in order to get the moves right. Both our juniors and our seniors love it!

Get Those Letters to Santa!
It's time to get those letters written to Santa. We have our very own postbox in Granlahan NS - it's just brilliant and makes it possible...

Relaxing Yoga!
Welcome to our relaxing yoga mornings in our Junior Room.